Слава Україні!

As the one year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine looms, here are a few photos I took nine years ago while on assignment in Kyiv during the sham referendum on Crimea.

I was in the city for twelve days during which I managed to see quite a few sights, talk with plenty of people and I am convinced that the genocidal project of the madman in the Kremlin will never  succeed. You just can not wipe out the Ukrainian identity, no matter how many of them you kill and how many of their children you deport.

The famed Independence Square was still occupied by protesters since the November 2013 Revolution of Dignity that led to the ousting of corrupt President Yanukovich. Volunteers would serve hot soup to local indigents. Flowers were laid down in tribute to the dead. The McDonald's was turned into a makeshift hospital. And a stage was erected, onto which artists would come and perform every day.

During one of my nightly explorations of the city, I had found a place not too far from my hotel, a cool little watering hole called The Blues Bar where local musicians would come and play blues, jazz and rock. I spent quite a few nights there. From what I can gather, it is still operating, despite the daily shellings on the city. Once Ukraine wins the war, I hope to return to The Blues Bar and enjoy a few drinks while listening to some great music.


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