New Years Day @ Les Étoiles, Paris - January 23rd, 2025


New Years Day is a band built from a formula, each piece pulled from a well-worn playbook: metalcore riffs, token feminism, and self-empowerment anthems. The result is a polished, Instagram-friendly product that hits all the right marks — but feels more manufactured than authentic.

The setlist was dominated by their latest album, Half Black Heart (2024), packed with slick, high-octane tracks. But the reliance on pre-recorded tape throughout made it more of a performance than a live show. The only moments that had any life were when frontwoman Ashley Costello interacted with the crowd. These were genuine moments of connection but it felt like the show was built around them rather than the music.

Costello was flanked by two Nikki Sixx wannabes on guitar and a drummer with all the personality and good looks of a muppet. They nailed the look and the poses and the attitude all right, but as far as the playing goes there's still work to be done. New Years Day might have the formula down, but their live execution never broke through the sterile, artificial surface. This is an easy fix: sing and play for real and get rid of the backing tracks.


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